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atomic: remove old weak symbols
These symbols have been depricated for a really long time on x86 and SPARC.
They exist as weak symbols to allow old binaries to still work.  On ARM,
these old binaries never existed to begin with and so we don't have to
provide these legacy symbols.

@@ -26,24 +26,10 @@
  * XXX We probably want some kind of backoff built in to these routines at some
  * point.
-#if defined(_KERNEL)
-        /*
-         * Legacy kernel interfaces; they will go away (eventually).
-         */
-        ANSI_PRAGMA_WEAK2(cas8,atomic_cas_8,function)
-        ANSI_PRAGMA_WEAK2(cas32,atomic_cas_32,function)
-        ANSI_PRAGMA_WEAK2(cas64,atomic_cas_64,function)
-        ANSI_PRAGMA_WEAK2(caslong,atomic_cas_ulong,function)
-        ANSI_PRAGMA_WEAK2(casptr,atomic_cas_ptr,function)
-        ANSI_PRAGMA_WEAK2(atomic_and_long,atomic_and_ulong,function)
-        ANSI_PRAGMA_WEAK2(atomic_or_long,atomic_or_ulong,function)
-        ANSI_PRAGMA_WEAK2(swapl,atomic_swap_32,function)
          * NOTE: If atomic_inc_8 and atomic_inc_8_nv are ever
          * separated, you need to also edit the libc arm platform
          * specific mapfile and remove the NODYNSORT attribute
          * from atomic_inc_8_nv.