Print this page
4027 remove CLOSED_BUILD

  27 include ../Makefile.master
  29 #       Note that libcurses installs commands along with its library.
  30 #       This is a minor bug which probably should be fixed.
  31 #       Note also that a few extra libraries are kept in cmd source.
  32 #
  33 # Certain libraries are linked with, hence depend on, other libraries.
  34 #
  35 # Although we have historically used .WAIT to express dependencies, it
  36 # reduces the amount of parallelism and thus lengthens the time it
  37 # takes to build the libraries.  Thus, we now require that any new
  38 # libraries explicitly call out their dependencies.  Eventually, all
  39 # the library dependencies will be called out explicitly.  See
  40 # "Library interdependencies" near the end of this file.
  41 #
  42 # Aside from explicit dependencies (and legacy .WAITs), all libraries
  43 # are built in parallel.
  44 #
  47 #
  48 # The $(CLOSED_BUILD) additions to SUBDIRS & MSGSUBDIRS are unfortunate,
  49 # but required due to the "dependencies" of using .WAIT to barrier the
  50 # parallel dmake builds.  once 4631488 has been fixed, they can be
  51 # consolidated into one $(CLOSED_BUILD)SUBDIRS += (all closed libs) as
  52 # shown in HDRSUBDIRS
  53 #
  54 SUBDIRS= \
  55         common                  .WAIT   \
  56         ../cmd/sgs/libconv              \
  57         ../cmd/sgs/libdl        .WAIT
  59 SUBDIRS += \
  60         libc                    .WAIT   \
  61         ../cmd/sgs/libelf       .WAIT   \
  62         c_synonyms                      \
  63         libmd                           \
  64         libmd5                          \
  65         librsm                          \
  66         libmp                   .WAIT   \
  67         libnsl                  \
  68         libsecdb                .WAIT   \
  69         librpcsvc                       \
  70         libsocket               .WAIT   \
  71         libsctp                 \
  72         libsip                  \
  73         libcommputil            \

 165         passwdutil      \
 166         pam_modules     \
 167         crypt_modules   \
 168         libadt_jni      \
 169         abi             \
 170         auditd_plugins  \
 171         libvolmgt       \
 172         libdevice       \
 173         libdevid        \
 174         libdhcpsvc      \
 175         libc_db         \
 176         libndmp         \
 177         libsec          \
 178         libtnfprobe     \
 179         libtnf          \
 180         libtnfctl       \
 181         libdhcpagent    \
 182         libdhcpdu       \
 183         libdhcputil     \
 184         libxnet         \
 185         libipsecutil
 187         $(CLOSED)/lib/libike
 188 SUBDIRS += \
 189         nsswitch        \
 190         print           \
 191         libuutil        \
 192         libscf          \
 193         libinetsvc      \
 194         librestart      \
 195         libsched        \
 196         libelfsign      \
 197         pkcs11          .WAIT   \
 198         libpctx         .WAIT   \
 199         libcpc          \
 200         watchmalloc     \
 201         extendedFILE    \
 202         madv            \
 203         mpss            \
 204         libdisasm       \
 205         libwrap         \
 206         libxcurses      \
 207         libxcurses2     \
 208         libbrand        .WAIT   \

 493         fm              \
 494         udapl           \
 495         libmapid        \
 496         libkrb5         \
 497         libsmbfs        \
 498         libshare        \
 499         libidmap        \
 500         libvscan        \
 501         libgrubmgmt     \
 502         smbsrv          \
 503         libilb          \
 504         scsi            \
 505         hbaapi          \
 506         smhba           \
 507         libima          \
 508         libsun_ima      \
 509         mpapi           \
 510         libreparse      \
 511         $($(MACH)_HDRSUBDIRS)
 514         $(CLOSED)/lib/libike
 516 i386_HDRSUBDIRS=        \
 517         libparted       \
 518         libfdisk        \
 519         libsaveargs
 521 sparc_HDRSUBDIRS=       \
 522         libds           \
 523         libdscp         \
 524         libpri          \
 525         libv12n         \
 526         storage
 528 all :=          TARGET= all
 529 check :=        TARGET= check
 530 clean :=        TARGET= clean
 531 clobber :=      TARGET= clobber
 532 install :=      TARGET= install
 533 install_h :=    TARGET= install_h
 534 lint :=         TARGET= lint
 535 _dc :=          TARGET= _dc

 588 libdladm:       libdevinfo libinetutil libsocket libscf librcm libnvpair \
 589                 libexacct libnsl libkstat libcurses
 590 libdll:         libast
 591 libdlpi:        libinetutil libdladm
 592 libds:          libsysevent
 593 libdscfg:       libnsctl libunistat libsocket libnsl
 594 libdtrace:      libproc libgen libctf
 595 libdtrace_jni:  libuutil libdtrace
 596 libefi:         libuuid
 597 libfstyp:       libnvpair
 598 libelfsign:     libcryptoutil libkmf
 599 libidmap:       libadutils libldap5 libavl libsldap libuutil
 600 libipadm:       libnsl libinetutil libsocket libdlpi libnvpair libdhcpagent \
 601                 libdladm libsecdb
 602 libiscsit:      libc libnvpair libstmf libuuid libnsl
 603 libkmf:         libcryptoutil pkcs11
 604 libnsl:         libmd5
 605 libmapid:       libresolv
 606 librdc:         libsocket libnsl libnsctl libunistat libdscfg
 607 libuuid:        libdlpi
 608 $(CLOSED_BUILD)libike:  libipsecutil libxnet libcryptoutil
 609 libinetutil:    libsocket
 610 libipsecutil:   libtecla libsocket
 611 libinstzones:   libzonecfg libcontract
 612 libpkg:         libwanboot libscf libadm
 613 libnwam:        libscf
 614 libsecdb:       libnsl
 615 libsasl:        libgss libsocket pkcs11 libmd
 616 sasl_plugins:   pkcs11 libgss libsocket libsasl
 617 libsctp:        libsocket
 618 libshell:       libast libcmd libdll libsocket libsecdb
 619 libsip:         libmd5
 620 libsmbfs:       libcmdutils libsocket libnsl libkrb5
 621 libsocket:      libnsl
 622 libstmfproxy:   libstmf libsocket libnsl libpthread
 623 libsum:         libast
 624 libsysevent:    libsecdb
 625 libldap5:       libsasl libsocket libnsl libmd
 626 libsldap:       libldap5 libtsol libnsl libc libscf libresolv
 627 libpool:        libnvpair libexacct
 628 libpp:          libast

  27 include ../Makefile.master
  29 #       Note that libcurses installs commands along with its library.
  30 #       This is a minor bug which probably should be fixed.
  31 #       Note also that a few extra libraries are kept in cmd source.
  32 #
  33 # Certain libraries are linked with, hence depend on, other libraries.
  34 #
  35 # Although we have historically used .WAIT to express dependencies, it
  36 # reduces the amount of parallelism and thus lengthens the time it
  37 # takes to build the libraries.  Thus, we now require that any new
  38 # libraries explicitly call out their dependencies.  Eventually, all
  39 # the library dependencies will be called out explicitly.  See
  40 # "Library interdependencies" near the end of this file.
  41 #
  42 # Aside from explicit dependencies (and legacy .WAITs), all libraries
  43 # are built in parallel.
  44 #

  47 SUBDIRS= \
  48         common                  .WAIT   \
  49         ../cmd/sgs/libconv              \
  50         ../cmd/sgs/libdl        .WAIT
  52 SUBDIRS += \
  53         libc                    .WAIT   \
  54         ../cmd/sgs/libelf       .WAIT   \
  55         c_synonyms                      \
  56         libmd                           \
  57         libmd5                          \
  58         librsm                          \
  59         libmp                   .WAIT   \
  60         libnsl                  \
  61         libsecdb                .WAIT   \
  62         librpcsvc                       \
  63         libsocket               .WAIT   \
  64         libsctp                 \
  65         libsip                  \
  66         libcommputil            \

 158         passwdutil      \
 159         pam_modules     \
 160         crypt_modules   \
 161         libadt_jni      \
 162         abi             \
 163         auditd_plugins  \
 164         libvolmgt       \
 165         libdevice       \
 166         libdevid        \
 167         libdhcpsvc      \
 168         libc_db         \
 169         libndmp         \
 170         libsec          \
 171         libtnfprobe     \
 172         libtnf          \
 173         libtnfctl       \
 174         libdhcpagent    \
 175         libdhcpdu       \
 176         libdhcputil     \
 177         libxnet         \
 178         libipsecutil    \

 179         nsswitch        \
 180         print           \
 181         libuutil        \
 182         libscf          \
 183         libinetsvc      \
 184         librestart      \
 185         libsched        \
 186         libelfsign      \
 187         pkcs11          .WAIT   \
 188         libpctx         .WAIT   \
 189         libcpc          \
 190         watchmalloc     \
 191         extendedFILE    \
 192         madv            \
 193         mpss            \
 194         libdisasm       \
 195         libwrap         \
 196         libxcurses      \
 197         libxcurses2     \
 198         libbrand        .WAIT   \

 483         fm              \
 484         udapl           \
 485         libmapid        \
 486         libkrb5         \
 487         libsmbfs        \
 488         libshare        \
 489         libidmap        \
 490         libvscan        \
 491         libgrubmgmt     \
 492         smbsrv          \
 493         libilb          \
 494         scsi            \
 495         hbaapi          \
 496         smhba           \
 497         libima          \
 498         libsun_ima      \
 499         mpapi           \
 500         libreparse      \
 501         $($(MACH)_HDRSUBDIRS)

 503 i386_HDRSUBDIRS=        \
 504         libparted       \
 505         libfdisk        \
 506         libsaveargs
 508 sparc_HDRSUBDIRS=       \
 509         libds           \
 510         libdscp         \
 511         libpri          \
 512         libv12n         \
 513         storage
 515 all :=          TARGET= all
 516 check :=        TARGET= check
 517 clean :=        TARGET= clean
 518 clobber :=      TARGET= clobber
 519 install :=      TARGET= install
 520 install_h :=    TARGET= install_h
 521 lint :=         TARGET= lint
 522 _dc :=          TARGET= _dc

 575 libdladm:       libdevinfo libinetutil libsocket libscf librcm libnvpair \
 576                 libexacct libnsl libkstat libcurses
 577 libdll:         libast
 578 libdlpi:        libinetutil libdladm
 579 libds:          libsysevent
 580 libdscfg:       libnsctl libunistat libsocket libnsl
 581 libdtrace:      libproc libgen libctf
 582 libdtrace_jni:  libuutil libdtrace
 583 libefi:         libuuid
 584 libfstyp:       libnvpair
 585 libelfsign:     libcryptoutil libkmf
 586 libidmap:       libadutils libldap5 libavl libsldap libuutil
 587 libipadm:       libnsl libinetutil libsocket libdlpi libnvpair libdhcpagent \
 588                 libdladm libsecdb
 589 libiscsit:      libc libnvpair libstmf libuuid libnsl
 590 libkmf:         libcryptoutil pkcs11
 591 libnsl:         libmd5
 592 libmapid:       libresolv
 593 librdc:         libsocket libnsl libnsctl libunistat libdscfg
 594 libuuid:        libdlpi

 595 libinetutil:    libsocket
 596 libipsecutil:   libtecla libsocket
 597 libinstzones:   libzonecfg libcontract
 598 libpkg:         libwanboot libscf libadm
 599 libnwam:        libscf
 600 libsecdb:       libnsl
 601 libsasl:        libgss libsocket pkcs11 libmd
 602 sasl_plugins:   pkcs11 libgss libsocket libsasl
 603 libsctp:        libsocket
 604 libshell:       libast libcmd libdll libsocket libsecdb
 605 libsip:         libmd5
 606 libsmbfs:       libcmdutils libsocket libnsl libkrb5
 607 libsocket:      libnsl
 608 libstmfproxy:   libstmf libsocket libnsl libpthread
 609 libsum:         libast
 610 libsysevent:    libsecdb
 611 libldap5:       libsasl libsocket libnsl libmd
 612 libsldap:       libldap5 libtsol libnsl libc libscf libresolv
 613 libpool:        libnvpair libexacct
 614 libpp:          libast