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4266 remove Makefile*.shared nonsense in uts

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
 # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

@@ -17,14 +18,312 @@
-# Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-# Use is subject to license terms.
+# uts/i86pc/Makefile.i86pc
+# Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Andrew Stormont.  All rights reserved.
+#       This makefile contains the common definitions for the i86pc unix
+#       and all i86pc implementation architecture dependent modules.
+#       Machine type (implementation architecture):
+PLATFORM         = i86pc
+#       uname -m value
+UNAME_M         = $(PLATFORM)
+# Definitions for the platform-specific /platform directories.
+# IMPLEMENTATIONS is used to designate i86pc machines which have
+# platform specific modules.  All code specific to a given implementation
+# resides in the appropriately named subdirectory.   This requires
+# these platforms to have their own Makefiles to define ROOT_PLAT_DIRS,
+# USR_PLAT_DIRS, etc.
+#       Everybody needs to know how to build modstubs.o and to locate unix.o
+UNIX_DIR         = $(UTSBASE)/$(PLATFORM)/unix
+GENLIB_DIR       = $(UTSBASE)/intel/genunix
+DSF_DIR          = $(UTSBASE)/$(PLATFORM)/genassym
+LINTS_DIR        = $(OBJS_DIR)
+LINT_LIB_DIR     = $(UTSBASE)/$(PLATFORM)/lint-libs/$(OBJS_DIR)
+GEN_LINT_LIB_DIR = $(UTSBASE)/intel/lint-libs/$(OBJS_DIR)
+LINT32_DIRS      = $(LINT32_BUILDS:%=$(UTSBASE)/$(PLATFORM)/lint-libs/%)
+LINT32_FILES     = $(LINT32_DIRS:%=%/llib-l$(MODULE).ln)
+DTRACESTUBS_O    = $(OBJS_DIR)/dtracestubs.o
+SYM_MOD         = $(OBJS_DIR)/unix.sym
+UNIX_O           = $(UNIX_DIR)/$(OBJS_DIR)/unix.o
+MODSTUBS_O       = $(MODSTUBS_DIR)/$(OBJS_DIR)/modstubs.o
+GENLIB           = $(GENLIB_DIR)/$(OBJS_DIR)/
+LINT_LIB         = $(LINT_LIB_DIR)/llib-lunix.ln
+DBOOT_LINT_LIB   = $(LINT_LIB_DIR)/llib-ldboot.ln
+GEN_LINT_LIB     = $(GEN_LINT_LIB_DIR)/llib-lgenunix.ln
+#       Include the makefiles which define build rule templates, the
+#       collection of files per module, and a few specific flags. Note
+#       that order is significant, just as with an include path. The
+#       first build rule template which matches the files name will be
+#       used. By including these in order from most machine dependent
+#       to most machine independent, we allow a machine dependent file
+#       to be used in preference over a machine independent version
+#       (Such as a machine specific optimization, which preserves the
+#       interfaces.)
+include $(UTSBASE)/$(PLATFORM)/Makefile.files
+include $(UTSBASE)/intel/Makefile.files
+include $(UTSBASE)/common/Makefile.files
+#       Include machine independent rules. Note that this does not imply
+#       that the resulting module from rules in Makefile.uts is machine
+#       independent. Only that the build rules are machine independent.
+include $(UTSBASE)/Makefile.uts
+#       Define supported builds
+DEF_BUILDS              = $(DEF_BUILDS64) $(DEF_BUILDS32)
+ALL_BUILDS              = $(ALL_BUILDS64) $(ALL_BUILDS32)
+#       x86 or amd64 inline templates
+INLINES_32              = $(UTSBASE)/intel/ia32/ml/ \
+                          $(UTSBASE)/$(PLATFORM)/ml/
+INLINES_64              = $(UTSBASE)/intel/amd64/ml/ \
+                          $(UTSBASE)/$(PLATFORM)/ml/
+INLINES                 += $(INLINES_$(CLASS))
+#       kernel-specific optimizations; override default in Makefile.master
+CFLAGS_XARCH_32         = $(i386_CFLAGS)
+CFLAGS_XARCH_64         = $(amd64_CFLAGS)
+COPTFLAG_32             = $(COPTFLAG)
+COPTFLAG_64             = $(COPTFLAG64)
+COPTIMIZE               = $(COPTFLAG_$(CLASS))
+CFLAGS                  = $(CFLAGS_XARCH)
+CFLAGS                  += $(COPTIMIZE)
+CFLAGS                  += $(INLINES) -D_ASM_INLINES
+CFLAGS                  += $(CCMODE)
+CFLAGS                  += $(SPACEFLAG)
+CFLAGS                  += $(CCUNBOUND)
+CFLAGS                  += $(CFLAGS_uts)
+CFLAGS                  += -xstrconst
+ASFLAGS_XARCH_32        = $(i386_ASFLAGS)
+ASFLAGS_XARCH_64        = $(amd64_ASFLAGS)
+ASFLAGS                 += $(ASFLAGS_XARCH)
+AS_INC_PATH             += -I$(DSF_DIR)/$(OBJS_DIR)
+#       The following must be defined for all implementations:
+#       MAPFILE:        ld mapfile for the build of kernel/unix.
+#       MODSTUBS:       Module stubs source file.
+#       GENASSYM_SRC:   genassym.c
+MAPFILE          = $(UTSBASE)/$(PLATFORM)/conf/Mapfile
+MODSTUBS         = $(UTSBASE)/intel/ia32/ml/modstubs.s
+GENASSYM_SRC     = $(UTSBASE)/$(PLATFORM)/ml/genassym.c
+PLATFORM_OFFSETS_64     = $(UTSBASE)/intel/amd64/ml/
+KDI_OFFSETS_SRC  = $(UTSBASE)/intel/kdi/
+#       Define the actual specific platforms
+#       Software workarounds for hardware "features"
+include $(UTSBASE)/$(PLATFORM)/Makefile.workarounds
+#       Debugging level
+#       Special knowledge of which special debugging options effect which
+#       file is used to optimize the build if these flags are changed.
+#       XXX: The above could possibly be done for more flags and files, but
+#            is left as an experiment to the interested reader. Be forewarned,
+#            that excessive use could lead to maintenance difficulties.
+DEBUG_DEFS_OBJ32        =
+DEBUG_DEFS_OBJ64        =
+DEBUG_DEFS              = $(DEBUG_DEFS_$(BUILD_TYPE))
+DEBUG_COND_DBG32        =
+DEBUG_COND_DBG64        =
+$(IF_DEBUG_OBJ)fast_trap_asm.o  := DEBUG_DEFS += -DTRAPTRACE
+$(IF_DEBUG_OBJ)interrupt.o      := DEBUG_DEFS += -DTRAPTRACE
+$(IF_DEBUG_OBJ)intr.o           := DEBUG_DEFS += -DTRAPTRACE
+$(IF_DEBUG_OBJ)locore.o         := DEBUG_DEFS += -DTRAPTRACE
+$(IF_DEBUG_OBJ)mp_startup.o     := DEBUG_DEFS += -DTRAPTRACE
+$(IF_DEBUG_OBJ)machdep.o        := DEBUG_DEFS += -DTRAPTRACE
+$(IF_DEBUG_OBJ)exception.o      := DEBUG_DEFS += -DTRAPTRACE
+$(IF_DEBUG_OBJ)x_call.o         := DEBUG_DEFS += -DTRAPTRACE
+$(IF_DEBUG_OBJ)mp_call.o        := DEBUG_DEFS += -DTRAPTRACE
+$(IF_DEBUG_OBJ)cbe.o            := DEBUG_DEFS += -DTRAPTRACE
+#       Collect the preprocessor definitions to be associated with *all*
+#       files.
+                   $(OPTION_DEFS)
+                        -_gcc=-fno-eliminate-unused-debug-symbols \
+                        -_gcc=-fno-eliminate-unused-debug-types
+# ----- TRANSITIONAL SECTION --------------------------------------------------
+#       Not everything which *should* be a module is a module yet. The
+#       following is a list of such objects which are currently part of
+#       the base kernel but should soon become kmods.
-# ident "%Z%%M% %I%     %E% SMI"
+#       XXX: $(KMACCT_OBJS) is neither in the MT kernel nor was it ever
+#            made into a module. If it is made MT safe before being made
+#            into a module, it should be added to this list. It was in
+#            this list pre ON-4.0.
+# ----- END OF TRANSITIONAL SECTION -------------------------------------------
+#       The kernels modules which are "implementation architecture"
+#       specific for this machine are enumerated below. Note that most
+#       of these modules must exist (in one form or another) for each
+#       architecture.
+#       Machine Specific Driver Modules (/kernel/drv)
+#       DRV_KMODS are built both 32-bit and 64-bit
+#       DRV_KMODS_32 are built only 32-bit
+#       DRV_KMODS_64 are built only 64-bit
+DRV_KMODS       += rootnex
+DRV_KMODS       += isa
+DRV_KMODS       += pcplusmp
+DRV_KMODS       += apix
+DRV_KMODS       += cpc
+DRV_KMODS       += pci
+DRV_KMODS       += npe
+DRV_KMODS       += pci-ide
+DRV_KMODS       += xsvc
+DRV_KMODS       += tzmon
+DRV_KMODS       += acpi_drv 
+DRV_KMODS       += acpinex
+DRV_KMODS       += amd_iommu
+DRV_KMODS       += dr
+DRV_KMODS       += ioat
+DRV_KMODS       += fipe
+DRV_KMODS       += cpudrv
-include $(UTSBASE)/i86pc/Makefile.i86pc.shared
+# Platform Power Modules
+DRV_KMODS       += ppm acpippm
+#       CPU Modules
+CPU_KMODS       += amd_opteron
+CPU_KMODS       += generic_cpu
+CPU_KMODS       += authenticamd
+CPU_KMODS       += genuineintel
+#       Exec Class Modules (/kernel/exec):
+EXEC_KMODS      +=
+#       Scheduling Class Modules (/kernel/sched):
+#       File System Modules (/kernel/fs):
+FS_KMODS        +=
+#       Streams Modules (/kernel/strmod):
+#       'System' Modules (/kernel/sys):
+SYS_KMODS       +=
+#       'Misc' Modules (/kernel/misc):
+MISC_KMODS      += gfx_private pcie
+MISC_KMODS      += acpidev
+MISC_KMODS      += drmach_acpi
+#       'Dacf' modules (/kernel/dacf)
+DACF_KMODS      += consconfig_dacf
+#       'Mach' Modules (/kernel/mach):
+MACH_KMODS      += uppc
+#       CPR Misc Module.
+MISC_KMODS      += cpr