1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  21 /*
  22  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  23  */
  25 /*
  26  * Copyright 2010 Nexenta Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  27  */
  32 /*
  33  * Scheduler internal structures.
  34  */
  36 #ifdef __cplusplus
  37 extern "C" {
  38 #endif
  40 #include <sys/types.h>
  41 #include <sys/mutex.h>
  42 #include <sys/condvar.h>
  43 #include <sys/door.h>
  44 #include <sys/crypto/api.h>
  45 #include <sys/crypto/spi.h>
  46 #include <sys/crypto/impl.h>
  47 #include <sys/crypto/common.h>
  48 #include <sys/crypto/ops_impl.h>
  50 typedef void (kcf_func_t)(void *, int);
  52 typedef enum kcf_req_status {
  53         REQ_ALLOCATED = 1,
  54         REQ_WAITING,            /* At the framework level */
  55         REQ_INPROGRESS,         /* At the provider level */
  56         REQ_DONE,
  57         REQ_CANCELED
  58 } kcf_req_status_t;
  60 typedef enum kcf_call_type {
  61         CRYPTO_SYNCH = 1,
  62         CRYPTO_ASYNCH
  63 } kcf_call_type_t;
  65 #define CHECK_FASTPATH(crq, pd) ((crq) == NULL ||       \
  66         !((crq)->cr_flag & CRYPTO_ALWAYS_QUEUE)) &&      \
  67         (pd)->pd_prov_type == CRYPTO_SW_PROVIDER
  69 #define KCF_KMFLAG(crq) (((crq) == NULL) ? KM_SLEEP : KM_NOSLEEP)
  71 /*
  72  * The framework keeps an internal handle to use in the adaptive
  73  * asynchronous case. This is the case when a client has the
  74  * CRYPTO_ALWAYS_QUEUE bit clear and a software provider is used for
  75  * the request. The request is completed in the context of the calling
  76  * thread and kernel memory must be allocated with KM_NOSLEEP.
  77  *
  78  * The framework passes a pointer to the handle in crypto_req_handle_t
  79  * argument when it calls the SPI of the software provider. The macros
  80  * KCF_RHNDL() and KCF_SWFP_RHNDL() are used to do this.
  81  *
  82  * When a provider asks the framework for kmflag value via
  83  * crypto_kmflag(9S) we use REQHNDL2_KMFLAG() macro.
  84  */
  85 extern ulong_t kcf_swprov_hndl;
  86 #define KCF_RHNDL(kmflag) (((kmflag) == KM_SLEEP) ? NULL : &kcf_swprov_hndl)
  87 #define KCF_SWFP_RHNDL(crq) (((crq) == NULL) ? NULL : &kcf_swprov_hndl)
  88 #define REQHNDL2_KMFLAG(rhndl) \
  89         ((rhndl == &kcf_swprov_hndl) ? KM_NOSLEEP : KM_SLEEP)
  91 /* Internal call_req flags. They start after the public ones in api.h */
  93 #define CRYPTO_SETDUAL  0x00001000      /* Set the 'cont' boolean before */
  94                                         /* submitting the request */
  95 #define KCF_ISDUALREQ(crq)      \
  96         (((crq) == NULL) ? B_FALSE : (crq->cr_flag & CRYPTO_SETDUAL))
  98 typedef struct kcf_prov_tried {
  99         kcf_provider_desc_t     *pt_pd;
 100         struct kcf_prov_tried   *pt_next;
 101 } kcf_prov_tried_t;
 103 /* Must be different from KM_SLEEP and KM_NOSLEEP */
 104 #define KCF_HOLD_PROV   0x1000
 106 #define IS_FG_SUPPORTED(mdesc, fg)              \
 107         (((mdesc)->pm_mech_info.cm_func_group_mask & (fg)) != 0)
 109 #define IS_PROVIDER_TRIED(pd, tlist)            \
 110         (tlist != NULL && is_in_triedlist(pd, tlist))
 112 #define IS_RECOVERABLE(error)                   \
 113         (error == CRYPTO_BUFFER_TOO_BIG ||      \
 114         error == CRYPTO_BUSY ||                 \
 115         error == CRYPTO_DEVICE_ERROR ||         \
 116         error == CRYPTO_DEVICE_MEMORY ||        \
 117         error == CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE_RANGE ||       \
 118         error == CRYPTO_NO_PERMISSION)
 120 #define KCF_ATOMIC_INCR(x)      atomic_add_32(&(x), 1)
 121 #define KCF_ATOMIC_DECR(x)      atomic_add_32(&(x), -1)
 123 /*
 124  * Node structure for synchronous requests.
 125  */
 126 typedef struct kcf_sreq_node {
 127         /* Should always be the first field in this structure */
 128         kcf_call_type_t         sn_type;
 129         /*
 130          * sn_cv and sr_lock are used to wait for the
 131          * operation to complete. sn_lock also protects
 132          * the sn_state field.
 133          */
 134         kcondvar_t              sn_cv;
 135         kmutex_t                sn_lock;
 136         kcf_req_status_t        sn_state;
 138         /*
 139          * Return value from the operation. This will be
 140          * one of the CRYPTO_* errors defined in common.h.
 141          */
 142         int                     sn_rv;
 144         /*
 145          * parameters to call the SPI with. This can be
 146          * a pointer as we know the caller context/stack stays.
 147          */
 148         struct kcf_req_params   *sn_params;
 150         /* Internal context for this request */
 151         struct kcf_context      *sn_context;
 153         /* Provider handling this request */
 154         kcf_provider_desc_t     *sn_provider;
 156         kcf_prov_cpu_t          *sn_mp;
 157 } kcf_sreq_node_t;
 159 /*
 160  * Node structure for asynchronous requests. A node can be on
 161  * on a chain of requests hanging of the internal context
 162  * structure and can be in the global software provider queue.
 163  */
 164 typedef struct kcf_areq_node {
 165         /* Should always be the first field in this structure */
 166         kcf_call_type_t         an_type;
 168         /* an_lock protects the field an_state  */
 169         kmutex_t                an_lock;
 170         kcf_req_status_t        an_state;
 171         crypto_call_req_t       an_reqarg;
 173         /*
 174          * parameters to call the SPI with. We need to
 175          * save the params since the caller stack can go away.
 176          */
 177         struct kcf_req_params   an_params;
 179         /*
 180          * The next two fields should be NULL for operations that
 181          * don't need a context.
 182          */
 183         /* Internal context for this request */
 184         struct kcf_context      *an_context;
 186         /* next in chain of requests for context */
 187         struct kcf_areq_node    *an_ctxchain_next;
 189         kcondvar_t              an_turn_cv;
 190         boolean_t               an_is_my_turn;
 191         boolean_t               an_isdual;      /* for internal reuse */
 193         /*
 194          * Next and previous nodes in the global software
 195          * queue. These fields are NULL for a hardware
 196          * provider since we use a taskq there.
 197          */
 198         struct kcf_areq_node    *an_next;
 199         struct kcf_areq_node    *an_prev;
 201         /* Provider handling this request */
 202         kcf_provider_desc_t     *an_provider;
 203         kcf_prov_cpu_t          *an_mp;
 204         kcf_prov_tried_t        *an_tried_plist;
 206         struct kcf_areq_node    *an_idnext;     /* Next in ID hash */
 207         struct kcf_areq_node    *an_idprev;     /* Prev in ID hash */
 208         kcondvar_t              an_done;        /* Signal request completion */
 209         uint_t                  an_refcnt;
 210 } kcf_areq_node_t;
 212 #define KCF_AREQ_REFHOLD(areq) {                \
 213         atomic_add_32(&(areq)->an_refcnt, 1);    \
 214         ASSERT((areq)->an_refcnt != 0);              \
 215 }
 217 #define KCF_AREQ_REFRELE(areq) {                                \
 218         ASSERT((areq)->an_refcnt != 0);                              \
 219         membar_exit();                                          \
 220         if (atomic_add_32_nv(&(areq)->an_refcnt, -1) == 0)       \
 221                 kcf_free_req(areq);                             \
 222 }
 224 #define GET_REQ_TYPE(arg) *((kcf_call_type_t *)(arg))
 226 #define NOTIFY_CLIENT(areq, err) (*(areq)->an_reqarg.cr_callback_func)(\
 227         (areq)->an_reqarg.cr_callback_arg, err);
 229 /* For internally generated call requests for dual operations */
 230 typedef struct kcf_call_req {
 231         crypto_call_req_t       kr_callreq;     /* external client call req */
 232         kcf_req_params_t        kr_params;      /* Params saved for next call */
 233         kcf_areq_node_t         *kr_areq;       /* Use this areq */
 234         off_t                   kr_saveoffset;
 235         size_t                  kr_savelen;
 236 } kcf_dual_req_t;
 238 /*
 239  * The following are some what similar to macros in callo.h, which implement
 240  * callout tables.
 241  *
 242  * The lower four bits of the ID are used to encode the table ID to
 243  * index in to. The REQID_COUNTER_HIGH bit is used to avoid any check for
 244  * wrap around when generating ID. We assume that there won't be a request
 245  * which takes more time than 2^^(sizeof (long) - 5) other requests submitted
 246  * after it. This ensures there won't be any ID collision.
 247  */
 248 #define REQID_COUNTER_HIGH      (1UL << (8 * sizeof (long) - 1))
 249 #define REQID_COUNTER_SHIFT     4
 251 #define REQID_TABLES            16
 252 #define REQID_TABLE_MASK        (REQID_TABLES - 1)
 254 #define REQID_BUCKETS           512
 255 #define REQID_BUCKET_MASK       (REQID_BUCKETS - 1)
 258 #define GET_REQID(areq) (areq)->an_reqarg.cr_reqid
 259 #define SET_REQID(areq, val)    GET_REQID(areq) = val
 261 /*
 262  * Hash table for async requests.
 263  */
 264 typedef struct kcf_reqid_table {
 265         kmutex_t                rt_lock;
 266         crypto_req_id_t         rt_curid;
 267         kcf_areq_node_t         *rt_idhash[REQID_BUCKETS];
 268 } kcf_reqid_table_t;
 270 /*
 271  * Global software provider queue structure. Requests to be
 272  * handled by a SW provider and have the ALWAYS_QUEUE flag set
 273  * get queued here.
 274  */
 275 typedef struct kcf_global_swq {
 276         /*
 277          * gs_cv and gs_lock are used to wait for new requests.
 278          * gs_lock protects the changes to the queue.
 279          */
 280         kcondvar_t              gs_cv;
 281         kmutex_t                gs_lock;
 282         uint_t                  gs_njobs;
 283         uint_t                  gs_maxjobs;
 284         kcf_areq_node_t         *gs_first;
 285         kcf_areq_node_t         *gs_last;
 286 } kcf_global_swq_t;
 289 /*
 290  * Internal representation of a canonical context. We contain crypto_ctx_t
 291  * structure in order to have just one memory allocation. The SPI
 292  * ((crypto_ctx_t *)ctx)->cc_framework_private maps to this structure.
 293  */
 294 typedef struct kcf_context {
 295         crypto_ctx_t            kc_glbl_ctx;
 296         uint_t                  kc_refcnt;
 297         kmutex_t                kc_in_use_lock;
 298         /*
 299          * kc_req_chain_first and kc_req_chain_last are used to chain
 300          * multiple async requests using the same context. They should be
 301          * NULL for sync requests.
 302          */
 303         kcf_areq_node_t         *kc_req_chain_first;
 304         kcf_areq_node_t         *kc_req_chain_last;
 305         kcf_provider_desc_t     *kc_prov_desc;  /* Prov. descriptor */
 306         kcf_provider_desc_t     *kc_sw_prov_desc;       /* Prov. descriptor */
 307         kcf_mech_entry_t        *kc_mech;
 308         struct kcf_context      *kc_secondctx;  /* for dual contexts */
 309 } kcf_context_t;
 311 /*
 312  * Bump up the reference count on the framework private context. A
 313  * global context or a request that references this structure should
 314  * do a hold.
 315  */
 316 #define KCF_CONTEXT_REFHOLD(ictx) {             \
 317         atomic_add_32(&(ictx)->kc_refcnt, 1);    \
 318         ASSERT((ictx)->kc_refcnt != 0);              \
 319 }
 321 /*
 322  * Decrement the reference count on the framework private context.
 323  * When the last reference is released, the framework private
 324  * context structure is freed along with the global context.
 325  */
 326 #define KCF_CONTEXT_REFRELE(ictx) {                             \
 327         ASSERT((ictx)->kc_refcnt != 0);                              \
 328         membar_exit();                                          \
 329         if (atomic_add_32_nv(&(ictx)->kc_refcnt, -1) == 0)       \
 330                 kcf_free_context(ictx);                         \
 331 }
 333 /*
 334  * Check if we can release the context now. In case of CRYPTO_QUEUED
 335  * we do not release it as we can do it only after the provider notified
 336  * us. In case of CRYPTO_BUSY, the client can retry the request using
 337  * the context, so we do not release the context.
 338  *
 339  * This macro should be called only from the final routine in
 340  * an init/update/final sequence. We do not release the context in case
 341  * of update operations. We require the consumer to free it
 342  * explicitly, in case it wants to abandon the operation. This is done
 343  * as there may be mechanisms in ECB mode that can continue even if
 344  * an operation on a block fails.
 345  */
 346 #define KCF_CONTEXT_COND_RELEASE(rv, kcf_ctx) {                 \
 347         if (KCF_CONTEXT_DONE(rv))                               \
 348                 KCF_CONTEXT_REFRELE(kcf_ctx);                   \
 349 }
 351 /*
 352  * This macro determines whether we're done with a context.
 353  */
 354 #define KCF_CONTEXT_DONE(rv)                                    \
 355         ((rv) != CRYPTO_QUEUED && (rv) != CRYPTO_BUSY &&        \
 356             (rv) != CRYPTO_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)
 358 /*
 359  * A crypto_ctx_template_t is internally a pointer to this struct
 360  */
 361 typedef struct kcf_ctx_template {
 362         crypto_kcf_provider_handle_t    ct_prov_handle; /* provider handle */
 363         uint_t                          ct_generation;  /* generation # */
 364         size_t                          ct_size;        /* for freeing */
 365         crypto_spi_ctx_template_t       ct_prov_tmpl;   /* context template */
 366                                                         /* from the SW prov */
 367 } kcf_ctx_template_t;
 369 /*
 370  * Structure for pool of threads working on global software queue.
 371  */
 372 typedef struct kcf_pool {
 373         uint32_t        kp_threads;             /* Number of threads in pool */
 374         uint32_t        kp_idlethreads;         /* Idle threads in pool */
 375         uint32_t        kp_blockedthreads;      /* Blocked threads in pool */
 377         /*
 378          * cv & lock for the condition where more threads need to be created.
 379          */
 380         kcondvar_t      kp_cv;          /* Creator cond. variable */
 381         kmutex_t        kp_lock;                /* Creator lock */
 383 } kcf_pool_t;
 386 /*
 387  * State of a crypto bufcall element.
 388  */
 389 typedef enum cbuf_state {
 390         CBUF_FREE = 1,
 391         CBUF_WAITING,
 392         CBUF_RUNNING
 393 } cbuf_state_t;
 395 /*
 396  * Structure of a crypto bufcall element.
 397  */
 398 typedef struct kcf_cbuf_elem {
 399         /*
 400          * lock and cv to wait for CBUF_RUNNING to be done
 401          * kc_lock also protects kc_state.
 402          */
 403         kmutex_t                kc_lock;
 404         kcondvar_t              kc_cv;
 405         cbuf_state_t            kc_state;
 407         struct kcf_cbuf_elem    *kc_next;
 408         struct kcf_cbuf_elem    *kc_prev;
 410         void                    (*kc_func)(void *arg);
 411         void                    *kc_arg;
 412 } kcf_cbuf_elem_t;
 414 /*
 415  * State of a notify element.
 416  */
 417 typedef enum ntfy_elem_state {
 418         NTFY_WAITING = 1,
 419         NTFY_RUNNING
 420 } ntfy_elem_state_t;
 422 /*
 423  * Structure of a notify list element.
 424  */
 425 typedef struct kcf_ntfy_elem {
 426         /*
 427          * lock and cv to wait for NTFY_RUNNING to be done.
 428          * kn_lock also protects kn_state.
 429          */
 430         kmutex_t                        kn_lock;
 431         kcondvar_t                      kn_cv;
 432         ntfy_elem_state_t               kn_state;
 434         struct kcf_ntfy_elem            *kn_next;
 435         struct kcf_ntfy_elem            *kn_prev;
 437         crypto_notify_callback_t        kn_func;
 438         uint32_t                        kn_event_mask;
 439 } kcf_ntfy_elem_t;
 442 /*
 443  * The following values are based on the assumption that it would
 444  * take around eight cpus to load a hardware provider (This is true for
 445  * at least one product) and a kernel client may come from different
 446  * low-priority interrupt levels. We will have CYRPTO_TASKQ_MIN number
 447  * of cached taskq entries. The CRYPTO_TASKQ_MAX number is based on
 448  * a throughput of 1GB/s using 512-byte buffers. These are just
 449  * reasonable estimates and might need to change in future.
 450  */
 451 #define CRYPTO_TASKQ_THREADS    8
 452 #define CYRPTO_TASKQ_MIN        64
 453 #define CRYPTO_TASKQ_MAX        2 * 1024 * 1024
 455 extern int crypto_taskq_threads;
 456 extern int crypto_taskq_minalloc;
 457 extern int crypto_taskq_maxalloc;
 458 extern kcf_global_swq_t *gswq;
 459 extern int kcf_maxthreads;
 460 extern int kcf_minthreads;
 462 /*
 463  * All pending crypto bufcalls are put on a list. cbuf_list_lock
 464  * protects changes to this list.
 465  */
 466 extern kmutex_t cbuf_list_lock;
 467 extern kcondvar_t cbuf_list_cv;
 469 /*
 470  * All event subscribers are put on a list. kcf_notify_list_lock
 471  * protects changes to this list.
 472  */
 473 extern kmutex_t ntfy_list_lock;
 474 extern kcondvar_t ntfy_list_cv;
 476 boolean_t kcf_get_next_logical_provider_member(kcf_provider_desc_t *,
 477     kcf_provider_desc_t *, kcf_provider_desc_t **);
 478 extern int kcf_get_hardware_provider(crypto_mech_type_t, crypto_key_t *,
 479     crypto_mech_type_t, crypto_key_t *,
 480     kcf_provider_desc_t *, kcf_provider_desc_t **,
 481     crypto_func_group_t);
 482 extern int kcf_get_hardware_provider_nomech(offset_t, offset_t,
 483     kcf_provider_desc_t *, kcf_provider_desc_t **);
 484 extern void kcf_free_triedlist(kcf_prov_tried_t *);
 485 extern kcf_prov_tried_t *kcf_insert_triedlist(kcf_prov_tried_t **,
 486     kcf_provider_desc_t *, int);
 487 extern kcf_provider_desc_t *kcf_get_mech_provider(crypto_mech_type_t,
 488     crypto_key_t *, kcf_mech_entry_t **, int *, kcf_prov_tried_t *,
 489     crypto_func_group_t, size_t);
 490 extern kcf_provider_desc_t *kcf_get_dual_provider(crypto_mechanism_t *,
 491     crypto_key_t *, crypto_mechanism_t *, crypto_key_t *,
 492     kcf_mech_entry_t **, crypto_mech_type_t *,
 493     crypto_mech_type_t *, int *, kcf_prov_tried_t *,
 494     crypto_func_group_t, crypto_func_group_t, size_t);
 495 extern crypto_ctx_t *kcf_new_ctx(crypto_call_req_t  *, kcf_provider_desc_t *,
 496     crypto_session_id_t);
 497 extern int kcf_submit_request(kcf_provider_desc_t *, crypto_ctx_t *,
 498     crypto_call_req_t *, kcf_req_params_t *, boolean_t);
 499 extern void kcf_sched_init(void);
 500 extern void kcf_sched_start(void);
 501 extern void kcf_sop_done(kcf_sreq_node_t *, int);
 502 extern void kcf_aop_done(kcf_areq_node_t *, int);
 503 extern int common_submit_request(kcf_provider_desc_t *,
 504     crypto_ctx_t *, kcf_req_params_t *, crypto_req_handle_t);
 505 extern void kcf_free_context(kcf_context_t *);
 507 extern struct modctl *kcf_get_modctl(crypto_provider_info_t *);
 508 extern void kcf_free_req(kcf_areq_node_t *areq);
 509 extern void crypto_bufcall_service(void);
 511 extern void kcf_walk_ntfylist(uint32_t, void *);
 512 extern void kcf_do_notify(kcf_provider_desc_t *, boolean_t);
 514 extern kcf_dual_req_t *kcf_alloc_req(crypto_call_req_t *);
 515 extern void kcf_next_req(void *, int);
 516 extern void kcf_last_req(void *, int);
 518 #ifdef __cplusplus
 519 }
 520 #endif
 522 #endif /* _SYS_CRYPTO_SCHED_IMPL_H */