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          --- old/usr/src/uts/common/io/fibre-channel/ulp/fcip.c
          +++ new/usr/src/uts/common/io/fibre-channel/ulp/fcip.c
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1143 1143  
1144 1144          mutex_enter(&fptr->fcip_mutex);
1145 1145          fptr->fcip_flags &= ~FCIP_ATTACHING;
1146 1146          fptr->fcip_flags |= FCIP_INITED;
1147 1147          fptr->fcip_timeout_ticks = 0;
1148 1148  
1149 1149          /*
1150 1150           * start the timeout threads
1151 1151           */
1152 1152          fptr->fcip_timeout_id = timeout(fcip_timeout, fptr,
1153      -            drv_usectohz(1000000));
     1153 +            drv_sectohz(1));
1154 1154  
1155 1155          mutex_exit(&fptr->fcip_mutex);
1156 1156          mutex_enter(&fcip_global_mutex);
1157 1157          fcip_num_attaching--;
1158 1158          ASSERT(fcip_num_attaching >= 0);
1159 1159          mutex_exit(&fcip_global_mutex);
1160 1160          rval = FC_SUCCESS;
1161 1161          return (rval);
1162 1162  
1163 1163  port_attach_cleanup:
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1253 1253           * fcipr_state field in the routing table structure. The entries
1254 1254           * were set to RT_INVALID during suspend.
1255 1255           */
1256 1256          fcip_handle_topology(fptr);
1257 1257  
1258 1258  done:
1259 1259          /*
1260 1260           * Restart the timeout thread
1261 1261           */
1262 1262          fptr->fcip_timeout_id = timeout(fcip_timeout, fptr,
1263      -            drv_usectohz(1000000));
     1263 +            drv_sectohz(1));
1264 1264          mutex_exit(&fptr->fcip_mutex);
1265 1265          return (rval);
1266 1266  }
1267 1267  
1268 1268  
1269 1269  /*
1270 1270   * Insert a destination port entry into the routing table for
1271 1271   * this port
1272 1272   */
1273 1273  static void
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7332 7332                  }
7333 7333          }
7334 7334          mutex_exit(&fptr->fcip_dest_mutex);
7335 7335  
7336 7336          /*
7337 7337           * reschedule the timeout thread
7338 7338           */
7339 7339          mutex_enter(&fptr->fcip_mutex);
7340 7340  
7341 7341          fptr->fcip_timeout_id = timeout(fcip_timeout, fptr,
7342      -            drv_usectohz(1000000));
     7342 +            drv_sectohz(1));
7343 7343          fptr->fcip_flags &= ~(FCIP_IN_TIMEOUT);
7344 7344          mutex_exit(&fptr->fcip_mutex);
7345 7345  }
7346 7346  
7347 7347  
7348 7348  /*
7349 7349   * This routine is either called from taskq or directly from fcip_timeout
7350 7350   * does the actual job of aborting the packet
7351 7351   */
7352 7352  static void
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