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XXXX introduce drv_sectohz

6197                 return (DDI_FAILURE);
6198         }
6201         un->un_save_state = un->un_last_state;
6202         New_state(un, SD_STATE_SUSPENDED);
6204         /*
6205          * Wait for all commands that are in transport or queued to a timer
6206          * for retry to complete.
6207          *
6208          * While waiting, no new commands will be accepted or sent because of
6209          * the new state we set above.
6210          *
6211          * Wait till current operation has completed. If we are in the resource
6212          * wait state (with an intr outstanding) then we need to wait till the
6213          * intr completes and starts the next cmd. We want to wait for
6214          * SD_WAIT_CMDS_COMPLETE seconds before failing the DDI_SUSPEND.
6215          */
6216         wait_cmds_complete = ddi_get_lbolt() +
6217             (sd_wait_cmds_complete * drv_usectohz(1000000));
6219         while (un->un_ncmds_in_transport != 0) {
6220                 /*
6221                  * Fail if commands do not finish in the specified time.
6222                  */
6223                 if (cv_timedwait(&un->un_disk_busy_cv, SD_MUTEX(un),
6224                     wait_cmds_complete) == -1) {
6225                         /*
6226                          * Undo the state changes made above. Everything
6227                          * must go back to it's original value.
6228                          */
6229                         Restore_state(un);
6230                         un->un_last_state = un->un_save_state;
6231                         /* Wake up any threads that might be waiting. */
6232                         cv_broadcast(&un->un_suspend_cv);
6233                         mutex_exit(SD_MUTEX(un));
6234                         SD_ERROR(SD_LOG_IO_PM, un,
6235                             "sd_ddi_suspend: failed due to outstanding cmds\n");
6236                         SD_TRACE(SD_LOG_IO_PM, un, "sd_ddi_suspend: exiting\n");
6237                         return (DDI_FAILURE);

6830                          * can be effective again.
6831                          *
6832                          * To effect this behavior, call pm_busy_component to
6833                          * indicate to the framework this device is busy.
6834                          * By not adjusting un_pm_count the rest of PM in
6835                          * the driver will function normally, and independent
6836                          * of this but because the framework is told the device
6837                          * is busy it won't attempt powering down until it gets
6838                          * a matching idle. The timeout handler sends this.
6839                          * Note: sd_pm_entry can't be called here to do this
6840                          * because sdpower may have been called as a result
6841                          * of a call to pm_raise_power from within sd_pm_entry.
6842                          *
6843                          * If a timeout handler is already active then
6844                          * don't install another.
6845                          */
6846                         mutex_enter(&un->un_pm_mutex);
6847                         if (un->un_pm_timeid == NULL) {
6848                                 un->un_pm_timeid =
6849                                     timeout(sd_pm_timeout_handler,
6850                                     un, intvlp * drv_usectohz(1000000));
6851                                 mutex_exit(&un->un_pm_mutex);
6852                                 (void) pm_busy_component(SD_DEVINFO(un), 0);
6853                         } else {
6854                                 mutex_exit(&un->un_pm_mutex);
6855                         }
6856                         if (got_semaphore_here != 0) {
6857                                 sema_v(&un->un_semoclose);
6858                         }
6859                         /*
6860                          * On exit put the state back to it's original value
6861                          * and broadcast to anyone waiting for the power
6862                          * change completion.
6863                          */
6864                         mutex_enter(SD_MUTEX(un));
6865                         un->un_state = state_before_pm;
6866                         cv_broadcast(&un->un_suspend_cv);
6867                         mutex_exit(SD_MUTEX(un));
6869                         SD_TRACE(SD_LOG_IO_PM, un, "sdpower: exit, "
6870                             "trans check Failed, not ok to power cycle.\n");

6197                 return (DDI_FAILURE);
6198         }
6201         un->un_save_state = un->un_last_state;
6202         New_state(un, SD_STATE_SUSPENDED);
6204         /*
6205          * Wait for all commands that are in transport or queued to a timer
6206          * for retry to complete.
6207          *
6208          * While waiting, no new commands will be accepted or sent because of
6209          * the new state we set above.
6210          *
6211          * Wait till current operation has completed. If we are in the resource
6212          * wait state (with an intr outstanding) then we need to wait till the
6213          * intr completes and starts the next cmd. We want to wait for
6214          * SD_WAIT_CMDS_COMPLETE seconds before failing the DDI_SUSPEND.
6215          */
6216         wait_cmds_complete = ddi_get_lbolt() +
6217             drv_sectohz(sd_wait_cmds_complete);
6219         while (un->un_ncmds_in_transport != 0) {
6220                 /*
6221                  * Fail if commands do not finish in the specified time.
6222                  */
6223                 if (cv_timedwait(&un->un_disk_busy_cv, SD_MUTEX(un),
6224                     wait_cmds_complete) == -1) {
6225                         /*
6226                          * Undo the state changes made above. Everything
6227                          * must go back to it's original value.
6228                          */
6229                         Restore_state(un);
6230                         un->un_last_state = un->un_save_state;
6231                         /* Wake up any threads that might be waiting. */
6232                         cv_broadcast(&un->un_suspend_cv);
6233                         mutex_exit(SD_MUTEX(un));
6234                         SD_ERROR(SD_LOG_IO_PM, un,
6235                             "sd_ddi_suspend: failed due to outstanding cmds\n");
6236                         SD_TRACE(SD_LOG_IO_PM, un, "sd_ddi_suspend: exiting\n");
6237                         return (DDI_FAILURE);

6830                          * can be effective again.
6831                          *
6832                          * To effect this behavior, call pm_busy_component to
6833                          * indicate to the framework this device is busy.
6834                          * By not adjusting un_pm_count the rest of PM in
6835                          * the driver will function normally, and independent
6836                          * of this but because the framework is told the device
6837                          * is busy it won't attempt powering down until it gets
6838                          * a matching idle. The timeout handler sends this.
6839                          * Note: sd_pm_entry can't be called here to do this
6840                          * because sdpower may have been called as a result
6841                          * of a call to pm_raise_power from within sd_pm_entry.
6842                          *
6843                          * If a timeout handler is already active then
6844                          * don't install another.
6845                          */
6846                         mutex_enter(&un->un_pm_mutex);
6847                         if (un->un_pm_timeid == NULL) {
6848                                 un->un_pm_timeid =
6849                                     timeout(sd_pm_timeout_handler,
6850                                     un, drv_sectohz(intvlp));
6851                                 mutex_exit(&un->un_pm_mutex);
6852                                 (void) pm_busy_component(SD_DEVINFO(un), 0);
6853                         } else {
6854                                 mutex_exit(&un->un_pm_mutex);
6855                         }
6856                         if (got_semaphore_here != 0) {
6857                                 sema_v(&un->un_semoclose);
6858                         }
6859                         /*
6860                          * On exit put the state back to it's original value
6861                          * and broadcast to anyone waiting for the power
6862                          * change completion.
6863                          */
6864                         mutex_enter(SD_MUTEX(un));
6865                         un->un_state = state_before_pm;
6866                         cv_broadcast(&un->un_suspend_cv);
6867                         mutex_exit(SD_MUTEX(un));
6869                         SD_TRACE(SD_LOG_IO_PM, un, "sdpower: exit, "
6870                             "trans check Failed, not ok to power cycle.\n");