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patch as-lock-macro-simplification

@@ -744,11 +744,11 @@
                          * a null hat i.e. use the first hat on the
                          * address space hat list which by convention is
                          * the hat of the system MMU.  At alternative
                          * would be to panic .. this might well be better ..
-                        ASSERT(AS_READ_HELD(seg->s_as, &seg->s_as->a_lock));
+                        ASSERT(AS_READ_HELD(seg->s_as));
                         hat = seg->s_as->a_hat;
                         cmn_err(CE_NOTE, "rootnex_map_fault: nil hat");
                 hat_devload(hat, addr, MMU_PAGESIZE, pfn, prot | sdp->hat_attr,
                     (lock ? HAT_LOAD_LOCK : HAT_LOAD));