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remove whole-process swapping
Long before Unix supported paging, it used process swapping to reclaim
memory.  The code is there and in theory it runs when we get *extremely* low
on memory.  In practice, it never runs since the definition of low-on-memory
is antiquated. (XXX: define what antiquated means)
You can check the number of swapout/swapin events with kstats:
$ kstat -p ::vm:swapin ::vm:swapout

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          --- old/usr/src/uts/common/disp/thread.c
          +++ new/usr/src/uts/common/disp/thread.c
↓ open down ↓ 421 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 422  422          mutex_enter(&pp->p_crlock);
 423  423          if (pp->p_cred)
 424  424                  crhold(t->t_cred = pp->p_cred);
 425  425          mutex_exit(&pp->p_crlock);
 426  426          t->t_start = gethrestime_sec();
 427  427          t->t_startpc = proc;
 428  428          t->t_procp = pp;
 429  429          t->t_clfuncs = &sys_classfuncs.thread;
 430  430          t->t_cid = syscid;
 431  431          t->t_pri = pri;
 432      -        t->t_stime = ddi_get_lbolt();
 433      -        t->t_schedflag = TS_LOAD | TS_DONT_SWAP;
      432 +        t->t_schedflag = 0;
 434  433          t->t_bind_cpu = PBIND_NONE;
 435  434          t->t_bindflag = (uchar_t)default_binding_mode;
 436  435          t->t_bind_pset = PS_NONE;
 437  436          t->t_plockp = &pp->p_lock;
 438  437          t->t_copyops = NULL;
 439  438          t->t_taskq = NULL;
 440  439          t->t_anttime = 0;
 441  440          t->t_hatdepth = 0;
 442  441  
 443  442          t->t_dtrace_vtime = 1;  /* assure vtimestamp is always non-zero */
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